How to Practice Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Ways for the universe that will make you happier

Ancient thinkers spoke of the value of gratitude for the growth of our personality. Seneca claimed that she exalts the soul, 

  Cicero said:

“I would not want to possess any quality to such an extent as the ability to be grateful. For it is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues. ”
You may have heard or even tried to keep a gratitude diary - one of the common ways to express gratitude. In it you should write down the most valuable things for you and even small ones that seem at first glance not significant. But this is not the only effective way, because we offer 4 others that will help you thank the Universe for everything that exists in your life.
The feeling of gratitude is the highest yoga.

Take a walk of gratitude.

Use a walk as an opportunity to direct your energy towards the person you are grateful for, or things for which you are grateful for your appearance. Often we walk because “it is necessary / useful”, so make walks more conscious, combining them with an expression of gratitude.
Focusing on what you are grateful for will allow you to survive the ordeals. This feeling educates your spirit and gives you the strength to move on, work with thoughts and emotions that are unpleasant for you.

Bless others.

If you are depressed or it is difficult for you to sincerely express gratitude, remember how much you mean to your relatives and friends - this will help you look at your life differently.
Also ask them what they are grateful for, rejoice for them, enjoy their happiness - good things will happen to you too. If someone dear to you faced with a difficult situation, say blessings so that they receive a little more support from the universe.
Awareness of how much good you already have is the foundation of happiness and abundance.

Look around for inspiration to express gratitude.

It may seem unfair and humiliating, but inspiring to see how some people continue to live, facing really difficult situations, but at the same time maintain fortitude.
Tanya Richardson, a writer, spoke about the time when she had problems with the thyroid gland, how she was exhausted and felt sorry for herself when she went to see a doctor. And one day she met a man in a stroller on a crowded sidewalk in New York. A briefcase lay on his lap, and he looked a million dollars in his suit and was ready to conquer the world.
His smile and determination inspired Tanya and made her realize that, despite her tiredness and illness, she was lucky to be able to see a doctor and improve her health. Looking back at how other people deal with problems, consider your case from a broader perspective and thank the Universe for your opportunities.

Startsmall and let gratitude grow.

In a sense, gratitude is a habit that develops and strengthens over time with regular practice. Gratitude is a power that can grow as fast as a bonfire from a spark.
Be grateful for clean water and healthy food, a home where you can spend the night, and the opportunity to learn and work and watch how your gratitude grows.
If you have to read just one prayer a day, select “thank you.”

Remember to include yourself in your thanks list.


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